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Recapping LTi’s 2019 User Conference: TAKE THE LEAD

LTi Technology Solutions’ wrapped up its 2019 User Conference last week. We had a great time celebrating our 30th anniversary year with all of you. This year’s theme was to TAKE THE LEAD and it was designed to help find solutions to key pain points in the equipment finance industry. So we provided sessions that give your companies insight into our technologies, visions, and roadmaps.

Session topics and roundtables included learning how to access ASPIRE documentation and release notes, we shared success stories on new technology implementation projects, and discussed how LTi can improve our communications with all of you.

Opening Sessions

We opened our first day with a general session hosted by President and CEO, Jeff Van Slyke. Jeff talked about some of the improvements we made this past year, and shared where we are going as a company. LTi co-founder, Randy Haug, also shared a list of our newest ASPIRE v.5 customers who went live this past year. 

Our VP of Business Development, Kevin Truitt, along with ASPIRE Product Manager, Peter Haug followed up with our Product Roadmap session. They shared some of our biggest projects in work right now, and we can’t wait for you to see what’s coming next! Going into our next release and beyond, we really want to know what YOU are looking for. So please let us know what features, integrations, or upgrades you want to see from us in the near future.

Agile Networking Activity

Part of how we are improving your experience with LTi is by adapting more Agile project management practices. These practices involve two-week “sprints” that open up the lines of communication, while creating a much more collaborative experience between ourselves and you. To demonstrate the effectiveness of Agile, our COO, Bill Weeks, lead a group of attendees in a networking activity called “Offing the Off-Site Customer.”


The activity involved communicating a design from the “customer” to the “developer.” Shapes and locations on the paper were verbally described, first across the room, then sitting together at the same table. The most accurate translations of the design, of course, happened when everyone was in closer communication with each other. It was a really fun demonstration of how Agile reduces wasted time, and increases customer satisfaction and overall experience.

2019 User Conference Favorites

One of our conference favorites is always The HUB. Previously known as the Demo Cafe, the HUB featured experts from our LTi team on hand for attendees to walk through demos or talk through individualized support needs. Several of the people I spoke with personally told me that this is the main reason they come to Omaha. They were very grateful for the personal time dedicated to helping them solve problems and answer questions.

Every conference is as much about the education and training as it is about catching up with old friends, making new ones, and getting to finally put faces with names. The 2019 User Conference was no exception. We had a lot of fun meeting with everyone, sharing stories, and even celebrating birthdays. Our attendees played games, laughed over cocktails, and built stronger connections with LTi staff, and with each other.

Finally, our conference wrapped up with our 30th anniversary dinner. In addition to enjoying steak and Mahi Mahi, everyone enjoyed a virtually reality station, digital caricatures, and an 80’s-style retro gaming area. Overall, we had one of our most exciting User Conferences. We look forward to seeing even more of you next year at the downtown Omaha Marriott for User Conference 2020.

LTi Thanks You

Special thanks to our staff members for putting together a great 2019 User Conference this year. Thanks to all of our LTi thought-leaders and conference presenters for the work they did. And thanks to the LTi staff who made the HUB such a valuable resource again this year.

We also want to give a big thank you to our exhibitors who came out and connected with our customers, showing them how their services could help improve the LTi customer experience. Thanks for all the help and goodies you gave to those who traveled to Omaha.

Extra thanks go out to all of our sponsors as well. Your contributions played a big role in making this conference successful. We always appreciate you helping us make this a wonderful experience. So thank you to Great American Insurance Group, Beacon Consulting Group, ECS Financial Services, and OSG Billing Services. We could not have such great conferences without sponsors like you.

We appreciate everyone who took the time to join us in Omaha last week, and we can’t wait to see you all again in 2020!

BJ Cary
Marketing Content Specialist
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