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Equipment Lease and Loan Finance Software Platform

Why Manual Work Arounds Should be Eliminated

Work arounds (or manual processes) wreaking havoc on time to book a deal? So many legacy systems are being used to service portfolios. Many of these systems have been in use for more than a decade. Not really an issue, or is is?

Many businesses are finding their current system simply cannot keep up with the booking process and their administrators are required to do too many manual processes. 

When the system gets in the way and causes more work arounds than automation, it’s time to update that system. 

Many put off what is ultimately necessary – and in the meantime it kills growth and productivity or at the very least significantly impacts the cost-per-contract, in other words, throwing money out the window.

The solution?

Once the work arounds are removed, lowering the cost per contract will follow suit. So stop trying to manage growth with an out of date legacy system and manual processes that it can’t handle. Many businesses believe it will be too costly and time-consuming to change.  But at what cost?

What will your customers think?

Investing in the future, to be able to maintain your current customers is one thing, but if new customers can see how long it takes to process anything, maybe it’s time to truly explore options, before it becomes not only a true challenge, but more costly, in the loss of customers. Invest in the future. Keeping customers happy Do not sit back, continuing to use the out of date legacy system which can put you in a bad position for future growth.

When you need a solid technology solution from a 34 year old company that has a considerable number of customers from the Monitor 100 — 38% of the Monitor 100; 56% of the Independent 25, 43% of the Vendor 40 and 40% of the Bank 50, are all customers. LTi Technology Solutions, ASPIRE, will bring workflow efficiencies and remove manual processes that are time-wasters.

LTi has the longevity in the equipment finance industry that you can count on; and we will continue to be here for our customers long into the future.