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Equipment Lease and Loan Finance Software Platform

Does Your Lease and Loan Management Solution Contain Soft Skills?

When a company is looking to hire, they typically summarize the skillset they need to fill the position. All too often though, the list doesn’t contain the “soft skills”. Recently there has been a lot of importance put on also considering a candidate’s soft skills as part of the hiring process.

Although you may have factored in soft skills into your hiring process, chances are you haven’t thought about how those same attributes should be applied to your lease and loan management solution. Now, I am not implying that your solution needs to be emotionally intelligent, or possess any other interpersonal skills. However, looking for a few of the following attributes will help you bridge the gap between basic functionality and a system that is truly innovative.


One of the things that distinguish a good employee from a bad employee is their dependability. No one wants to walk into work every day and not be able to count on their employee doing their job, and it is the same for your system.  You lease and loan management solution is an integral part of your business that you need to be able to rely on.


This quality often provides essential alignment for workflow efficiencies and trust in a person or a product. Being able to see the entire process of how your system works will allow you to troubleshoot when there is an issue. If there is a lack of transparency, then those issues will not be resolved as quickly – if at all.


Similar to a potential employee, when selecting a lease and loan management solution, you also have to consider whether or not that solution has the capability to grow with your company. These kinds of investments should be scalable to grow with your business and to handle the changing requirements that may come with that growth. If your software or potential employee is only capable of working within a static framework, you’ll quickly outgrow one another.


More and more companies are hiring employees based on their ability to fill more than one role within their company, and it is the same for lease and loan management solutions. A system needs to be flexible and be able to handle the changing needs of your business. Furthermore, the system should be able to either anticipate changes or be able to accommodate those changes during runtime without disruption.

While it would be odd to refer to these skills as being emotional intelligence, they do take on different role in software. The combination of these attributes may be as important to highlighting the best technologies as they are to highlighting your next great employee. So you really have to sit back and ask yourself “Does my software have soft skills?”