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Equipment Lease and Loan Finance Software Platform

Customer is King

All around the country last week, companies honored the glue that holds all operations together: customer service. Customer Service Week is a nationally celebrated event (proclaimed by Congress in 1992) with five main goals in mind:

  1. Boost morale, motivation, and teamwork.
  2. Reward frontline reps for the important work they do all year long.
  3. Raise companywide awareness of the importance of customer service.
  4. Thank other departments for their support.
  5. Remind customers of your commitment to customer satisfaction.

“Customer Service Week provides a unique opportunity for service and support professionals around the globe to join in a celebration of the important role that customer service plays in every organization.” (

But we aren’t the only ones that love what they do; hear from a few of our application support specialists on why customer service is their passion:

“The thing I like the most about working with our customers are the relationships we build with them. That bond continues to grow as we work side by side together in finding solutions that work for their business. I have gotten the pleasure of meeting and working with some really great people in my current position and department.” – Megan M.

“I like the feeling after we get a customer’s issue resolved. I completely understand the frustration our customers feel when they’re trying to meet deadlines and run into a snag. Getting them past that snag and back on track quickly is our ultimate goal in Support. There is a great feeling of satisfaction in knowing that we’ve been able to have a positive impact on an otherwise troublesome situation.” – Tim B.

“My favorite part about working in customer support is building relationships with customers over time by helping them resolve their issues and better understanding how they utilize LTI products to cater to their individual business needs.” – Chris H.

“I like working with customers to make their daily transactions easier by helping find solutions and building new relationships with people I haven’t worked with before.” – Kate C.

Did you miss Customer Service Week? It’s not too late to celebrate your employees! Check out for more resources.