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The 3 Best Things You Can Do Right After a Conference

Here at LTi, we are seasoned conference-goers. So we can tell you that there are certain things you want to do after a conference to make sure you get the most benefit from your time there. Most of these are easy, and you may be doing them already. But it never hurts to review the best practices for returning conference attendees.

Here are three things to remember when you get home after your next conference:

Follow up with the connections you made

What we always remember the most are the people we connect with. Those middle-of-the-day lunches, dinner after the last daily sessions, late-night drinks, and impromptu conversations in the halls, these are the moments we all come back for. It’s all about the people and the shared memories you bring home after a conference.

The conference itself may be excellent. But as humans we are wired to remember our personal connections the most. So make the most of the people you spend time with.

  • Were there any new connections you made at this conference?
  • Did you discuss something you both were interested in?
  • Was there talk of any new business leads?

Finish your conversations after you get home. Conferences are a whirlwind of activity. Keep that energy alive by connecting with new contacts using sites like LinkedIn or Facebook. You can check in throughout the year, help promote each other’s pages or businesses, or start an exclusive group to organize online chats and coordinate travel plans for the next conference you attend together.

Success is all about the people you meet and the people you help. We all need a good tribe of people around to motivate us, hold us accountable, or just share resources. So, after a conference, help each other stay strong and keep those connections flourishing.

Share the wealth

You will learn a lot of new information that you may wish your co-workers knew as well. When you get home after a conference, schedule a meeting or two and discuss what you learned. Tell them about the people you met and what you are most excited about. You may come back glowing with new insights and stories. Let that glow warm the people around you so that they can feel your enthusiasm.

Hand out some the notes you took by typing them into a PDF. Send out an email sharing your favorite moments or videos you may have recorded from your seat. Talk about whether you will return and why. One of the main barriers for new conference attendees is simply not knowing whether their investment will be worth their time. If you got a lot out of the experience, spread that excitement so that your co-workers will jump at the chance to go to the next conference with you.

Give honest feedback

This is probably one of the most important things you can do after a conference. Most conference organizers will make surveys available during or after a conference to measure their success. They want, and need, your honest feedback in order to make each conference better.

  • Did you go to a conference and leave unimpressed or feel you wasted your time? Tell them!
  • Did you love the conference and hope to attend more like it? Tell them!

You may be able to help them improve for next year and ensure that you have a better experience yourself. More than that, you help shape the direction that your favorite conferences take. After all, if the attendees don’t enjoy a conference, it’s not going to last.

And if those who do enjoy that conference don’t speak up, the organizers are going to think that no one is getting any value. All they will hear are the critics, and those complaints may not represent the majority of the attendees. You are the customer at a conference. So make sure your voice is being heard.

More Conference Tips

Check out some of our other articles designed to help you have the best conference experience possible:

Help the People You Meet Remember You All Year Long
2 Things You Should Map Out First Before Your Next Conference


Thanks for reading,

BJ Cary
Marketing Content Specialist
LTi Technology Solutions |

P.S.  Do you have some favorite conference tips that you would like to share? Let us know some of the ways you prepare for great conference experiences in the comments below!